Saturday, March 1, 2008

I have been tagged #2

I have been tagged #2 (husband) - This is for Kamie and Mel

What is his full name? Richard Jason Tripp (Dick)

How long have you been married? 12 years in June - yikes!

How long did you date? Met in September. Knew we were going to get married in Nov/Dec. Booked temple in Feb. Jason finally got the guts and told his parents in March and we got engaged on I think the 14th.

Who eats more sweets? Not sure we both like them.

Who said I love you first? This is sad to say but I cannot remember. I asked Jason and he can't either. I will have to check some journals.

How old is he? I had to ask him - 33 going on 34 in April. Yee-haw!

Who is taller? Well my nickname is short-stuff.

Who is smarter? I will have to go with Mel on this "Depends on the topic. We both have our strong and weak points!"

Who can sing better? Of course I can. He cannot even read music. Plus like /kamie I was in Acapella in high school - yes I am also a pro. NOT

Who does the laundry? Are you asking who does it correctly? - Me.

Who pays the bills? He does. Yes it scares me but I have to let it go.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Looking at the bed I do. Laying on the bed he does.

Who mows the lawn? Like Mel I didn't have brothers so have mowed a few lawns in my time but it is under his duties. Sometimes I will if he is busy or the kids want to play outside.

Who cooks dinner? Anything besides cheese toast and cheese eggs has come from me. He is a pro at the cheese eggs - better than me.

Who is more stubborn? That would be me.

Who asked who out? I think he asked me out to a movie.

Who kissed who first? He kissed me. I was pretending to be asleep.

Who has more siblings? He does - 4 siblings, I have 2.

Who wears the pants? Good question. To outsiders I am sure everyone thinks I wear the pants. Which I probably do but honestly I really don't like to make a move without his advice or approval. Thus comes the analyzing which he loves. :)

Those questions had me thinking - thanks gals.

I tag my sister Kim.


Clarke and Kamie said...

12 years of marriage????!!!! So if Clarke and I ever have a question, we know who to turn to. You guys are pros. And I agree with the cheese eggs...they were pretty good. And of course you wear the pants:) are you kidding me?

Caroline said...

Happened upon your blog:) What a beautiful family! Can't wait to check in again and learn more about you.