Thursday, January 29, 2009

Birhday Party with Nana and PA

We had a small birthday celebration on her actual day with Nana, PA, Aunt Mel, Mariko, and Kaia. She loves Elmo and we gave into it. She was extremely concerned about her balloons flying away and made us tie them to a chair even though they had a weight attached to the strings. Even after tying them to a chair she would still get a look of panic and run over to the chair and hold onto the strings. She then would forget when she saw something interesting and would let go and play but then in about 5 minutes the routine would start over again. It was hilarious but a little sad because she was so stressed over the balloons flying away.

Jaiden and her friend Ellie wrapped Madison's presents for me and ran out of paper. They thought it would be funny to wrap her present with a lot of trash. She was a good sport.

New shoes - must wear immediately.

Strike a pose.

Sharing her glasses with cousin Kaia.

Holding all her loot.

Daddy did a great job by picking up a singing Elmo balloon.

Drink of choice. It is her birthday.

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