Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Beehive

We found a huge beehive in the back tree at Nana and Pa's. It needed to come down :)
Mel tries to climb the tree

Then Jaiden tries

The boys try and knock it down with a ball and spear

Bringing out the big guns - the old ladder

Jaiden tried the ladder first - as you can see Carter thinks she is crazy

Fore-man hard at work, but doesn't want his picture taken

Jenn decides to show how it is done - ladder and spear

It comes down :)


Cutting, cleaning, and carving

Finished Product

Halloween Party @ Nana's

Candy games :)

Oh, baby Easton

Musical tombstones - Madison, Jaiden, Savanna, Carter and Aunt Mel

Walk like a zombie - or try to

Jaiden - No pushing

Carter taking cover while Aunt Mel celebrates in front of Jaiden

The duel - one on one

Around and around they go - Carter can't stop laughing

Playing in the leaves

At Nana and Pa's we played in the leaves together.
Savanna and Madison

Pa, Savanna, and Madison


Where is Madison?

Where is Carter?

I have leaves in my nose.

Where are the kids?

Jaiden the leaf raker :)

Even Jason and Mel got in on the action

Carter's face says it all

Mel started it but you knew Jason would end it

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween at School

Madison at Nana's preschoolParade at Elementary


Mrs. Johnson - Third Grade

Mrs. Slack - Kindergarten


Sam Lyon

Hannah, Ellie, Lauren, and Jaiden

Madison, Carter and Aiden

Carter and Grace