We drove up the canyon to a great hidden park "Washington Terrace". We met my parents for the Walton Reunion. There was a fun playground and small stream next to the pavilion. Plenty of huge trees provide shade and relief from the heat. The kids were able to make paper rockets that they launched into the sky by the power of an air compressor and PVC pipes. We couldn't believe how high they flew.

Later that evening we met Jason's parents at the Bees game for baseball and fireworks. Madison is such a social butterfly and people kept talking to her without any response. They kept asking how old she was 2 or 3. I finally intervened and told them she was only 18 months. The hair and size throws people off with her age - they just think she is a mute 2 or 3 year old. We covered Madison's ears and she actual made it through the fireworks without crying. The kids love Bees games and especially running the bases after the game.
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