It was fun to play as a family. My impressive event was climbing the spider web. Amazing I know.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Motion Sickness???
Jason kept telling me that I needed to see Jaiden on the "spinning thing" at the playground. He said she looks like an ice skater. I didn't believe him until I watched her myself. This video has not been altered at all - sorry its sideways. Its amazing she can do it again and again and not get dizzy.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Soccer Time!!!
Jaiden plays with a team of kids from our neighborhood. All her girlfriends are on the team. She is a little hesitant this year about jumping in there. We think she is afraid of hurting someone. Her
coach is pretty intense and has practice every week and they actually play positions. Unfortunately Jaiden can't attend the practices because of her dance schedule. She still loves to play in the games. The team made a goal last week and it was fun to watch all the girls jump and tackle each other mid-field. Talk about excitement. "The Tigers" is the team name. Jason likes to tease her and call them the "pumpkins". GO TIGERS!!!

coach is pretty intense and has practice every week and they actually play positions. Unfortunately Jaiden can't attend the practices because of her dance schedule. She still loves to play in the games. The team made a goal last week and it was fun to watch all the girls jump and tackle each other mid-field. Talk about excitement. "The Tigers" is the team name. Jason likes to tease her and call them the "pumpkins". GO TIGERS!!!
Soccer Time!!!
Carter plays with a friend from our neighborhood and is doing really well this year. He almost made a goal. He has realized if he is patient and waits away from the "herd" following the ball it will eventually come his way. He also has been playing defense in front of the opponents goal. We were shocked he figured this all out on his own. "The Pickles" is his team name - the coach had the kids choose the team name. GO PICKLES!!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
My little China Girl
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Just came around the corner and found Madison had disconnected the guinea pig water bottle, was holding to her mouth and sucking it down like a bottle. GROSS!!! YUCK!!! She must have been really desperate for a drink. Maybe if she learned to talk she could ask for one.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
"Sleepless in Seattle"
We traveled to Seattle, WA with a group from Allegiance (Jason's work). The guys went to watch BYU play Washington and the girls just went to shop and get away. The weather was amazing, sun and no rain all four days. We had a great time and made many new friends.
View of Space Needle from harbor tour.
So many colors???
Can anyone say - sunglasses needed. Both of our sunglasses broke while travel on the plane.
Seattle Skyline from the harbor tour.
The gang eating sushi - it only took us 3 hours to find a "good" sushi place. (Long story which included fishy smells, conveyor belts, plastic covers, and "down-under " GPS system )
CEO of Allegiance??? Love ya Adam.
Bonus - we attended a Yankees/Mariners game on Friday.
Jason would have loved to eat these.
The fisherman sure put on a show throwing fish between themselves.
This fish was gross - the fisherman actually had a rope attached to the tail and when people would get by it they would yank and scare them to death.
Seattle shipping port
Sea otters just taking a rest. I remember on the harbor tour they told us that you would have hypothermia in 10 minutes if you swam in the Puget Sound. Yikes!
This picture is for Carter. They call this building R2-D2 (Starwars).
THANKS to all those who helped with our kids. WE LOVE YOU!!!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
"Poor Munch"
Unfortunately Munch "returned home" to his guinea pig family on Sept.3, 2008. He was loved by all especially the neighborhood children. He will be missed. (We didn't know that rigamortis sets in so soon and Carter tried to pick him up to bury him. He was already solid and Carter freaked and yelled, "he is frozen." Yuck - grossed out his mom.)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
1st of Pre-School (2nd year)
Mon, Wed, Friday 12:30 - 2:30 - ya baby!!!! Two down, one more to go - I mean, how sad:)
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