We traveled to Seattle, WA with a group from Allegiance (Jason's work). The guys went to watch
BYU play Washington and the girls just went to shop and get away. The weather was amazing, sun and no rain all four days. We had a great time and made many new friends.

Mount Rainier - I guess it is rare to see this amount of mountain unhidden.

View of Space Needle from harbor tour.

Seattle Skyline

I can smell the fish and flowers just by looking at the sign
Jason would have loved to eat these.

So many colors???
The fisherman sure put on a show throwing fish between themselves.
This fish was gross - the fisherman actually had a rope attached to the tail and when people would get by it they would yank and scare them to death.
Seattle shipping port
Sea otters just taking a rest. I remember on the harbor tour they told us that you would have hypothermia in 10 minutes if you swam in the Puget Sound. Yikes!

Can anyone say - sunglasses needed. Both of our sunglasses broke while travel on the plane.

Seattle Skyline from the harbor tour.

The gang eating sushi - it only took us 3 hours to find a "good" sushi place. (Long story which included fishy smells,
conveyor belts, plastic covers, and "down-under " GPS system )

CEO of Allegiance??? Love ya Adam.

Bonus - we attended a
Yankees/Mariners game on Friday.

I think the grass enjoys all the rain - no dead spots.
This picture is for Carter. They call this building R2-D2 (Starwars).
THANKS to all those who helped with our kids. WE LOVE YOU!!!
Hey there Jen! Cute blogspot! Glad you had a fun vacation!
Love Seattle!! Did you check out the Sleepless in Seattle cafe?? You are traveling fools. LOL
Hey Jenn- Looks fun!! We need to get together soon!
Cute blog. I can't believe we never ran into each other while you were here in town. I had the parents here and we were doing all the touristy stuff. Looks like you had a great time. It's amazing the amount of stuff you can do without kids around!
How are you two still the cutest couple ever?!!! It is so fun I found your blog-now we can keep in touch!
Meghan (Heath)
Ok it's official, you guys take some of the funnest vacations! Just know that Russ and I are here living vicariously through your vacations. Some day we may be able to leave the little ones.
What a great trip! Looks like you had fun...we did too!! I am actually having vacation withdrawals. We will definitely have to do one WITH the kids sometime. I feel bad that we usually leave them. Not quite bad enough to stop though =)
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