Before starting the Disney race we spent a day at the beach. We love Clearwater. Amazing sand and a playground right off the beach is always a winner for our family. Before playing in the water and sand, I required everyone to pose for family pictures. There were lots of complaints but I think they turned out pretty good and are unique since we don't have the ocean in Utah.

We love the sand - it feels like flour

Good sand castle buddy - even with your sisters "help" :)

The seagulls were aggressive and it was fun

Everyone like the seagulls but Jason. The fun was throwing food in his direction so the seagulls would attack.
Jaiden wanted to try the trampolines and I couldn't let her have all the fun.
A lot harder to flip than you think. My stomach muscles felt it the next day :)

Look alike "Captain Jack" that loved to get his picture taken

Madison did not like "Captain Jack" - she wouldn't take her eyes off him

Best decision ever - the braids stayed in all week and kept their hair out of their eyes and face while riding rides and swimming
This nice lady mailed Nana's camera to her or we would not have any of the above pictures. Thank heavens for nice people.
Other memories from Clearwater - Jason's parking ticket :)
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