Monday, August 31, 2009

Smarter than a two year old?

The other day I found Madison putting on a diaper by herself.
1st spread the diaper on bike

2nd sit on diaper carefully

3rd wrap the diaper around your waist (watch out for binky hanging down - put in mouth before continuing)

4th connect tabs

Tah-dah!!! All by myself

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cute Kids

The other day I went to cleanup lunch and found a tip sitting on the table. Either they are too cute or we eat out to much. I am going with the first.

Friday, August 28, 2009


We love "baby Easton" he is a fellow dance teachers son and we help tend him while she teaches. The kids love him. Carter keeps asking why we can't just keep him? Madison always says she wants to visit "baby Easton." The last time he got dropped off Madison yelled, "baby Easton is home!" To bad he is scared of her because she is always trying to mother him to death.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bondocks with Allegiance

Jason's work had their annual summer party at Bondocks this year.
The kids loved it - thanks Allegiance.

Daddy and Carter taking a spin

Madison crying because she is not tall enough to ride the cars. Should have worn her plat form flip-flops. - a must for Disneyland.

Jaiden and Jonah waiting in line for the race cars.

Carter giving Madison a ride on the "swinging thing"

Carter giving Chase a ride - always such a help with those younger than him

Carter's turn

Air hockey just her size. Look it comes out right there.

Jason and Adam playing hoops

Skee ball - a favorite

Madison will drive and mom does the gas

Shoot'em boys

"Double trouble"

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Bees Game

Daddy got us tickets for the last bees game with fireworks. As always it was really fun. However this time it was extremely busy and the food lines were crazy long. Never fun to stand in line instead of watching the game :( Densley's happened to be there the same night so we went over and visited before fireworks. Madison did have a slight melt down when the fireworks started but then recovered as she realized they were high in the sky. Then she named all the colors, blue, purple, red. We had a great time as a family.

After the game and fireworks they allow the kids to run the bases.
This is always a favorite for the kids.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Came around the corner to head upstairs and had a welcomed sight of Madison. Except she was on the wrong side of the railing. What 2 year old girl does this?

Only a small fall the the ground :( - no fear

Madison did you get into the powdered donuts?


Monday, August 17, 2009


We went to our HOA lagoon day as a family. It started in the afternoon with Lagoon-a-beach. I took Carter and Jaiden and left Madison home with Nana thinking it would be the best since she is still pretty little. To my surprise (not) Carter wouldn't go on any water slides except the kiddie area and the lazy river. Madison could have easily joined Carter and I and she would have loved the slides. Late afternoon we met Nana, Madison, Kim, Savannah, and Daddy for dinner and rides. We started out slow (at least we thought :) with the "dino drop" but as you can see from the pics Carter did not enjoy himself. Needless to say he stayed with Nana, Kim, Madison and Savanna in the kiddie area. (Camera stayed with Nana too :)
Mom and Madison waiting for take off.

I am laughing uncontrollably due to the screaming from Carter and Jason trying to calm him down from the seat next to me.

Carter literally stopped foot traffic around the ride. People must have thought by the screams that some girls was getting her legs cut off - nope just a 5 year old boy scared for his life.

Alligator tears show it all.

Lauren (neighbor friend) and Jaiden

Amy and Brinlee Mackay

All smiles on kiddie rides

Madison and Savanna