Monday, August 17, 2009


We went to our HOA lagoon day as a family. It started in the afternoon with Lagoon-a-beach. I took Carter and Jaiden and left Madison home with Nana thinking it would be the best since she is still pretty little. To my surprise (not) Carter wouldn't go on any water slides except the kiddie area and the lazy river. Madison could have easily joined Carter and I and she would have loved the slides. Late afternoon we met Nana, Madison, Kim, Savannah, and Daddy for dinner and rides. We started out slow (at least we thought :) with the "dino drop" but as you can see from the pics Carter did not enjoy himself. Needless to say he stayed with Nana, Kim, Madison and Savanna in the kiddie area. (Camera stayed with Nana too :)
Mom and Madison waiting for take off.

I am laughing uncontrollably due to the screaming from Carter and Jason trying to calm him down from the seat next to me.

Carter literally stopped foot traffic around the ride. People must have thought by the screams that some girls was getting her legs cut off - nope just a 5 year old boy scared for his life.

Alligator tears show it all.

Lauren (neighbor friend) and Jaiden

Amy and Brinlee Mackay

All smiles on kiddie rides

Madison and Savanna

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