We camped in the Unitas over Labor Day Weekend with Nana and Pa in the trailer. We couldn't believe the climate change. We went from roasting hot in the valley to needing a fire all day long to keep warm. The kids always love camping and we are lucky to have the luxury to sleep in the trailer instead of tents - thanks Nana & Pa

Carter and Madison enjoying the tradition of hot chocolate and bacon for breakfast.

Pa enjoying his hot chocolate by the fire.

Madison showing her hanging skills from the handle.

A competitive game of dominoes. We were all shocked when Madison would just join in and place her domino in the correct place. I guess she has skills in matching?

Brother is usually cautious and looks out for his little sister

Jaiden is never far away and willing to help too. She was sent to be the oldest of the group and does a wonderful job as "big sis."

Pa stepping in to help back up the hill.

Madison loves her Pa.

Carter did not like the climb and was doubting his dad's lead.

Finally with some coaching he makes it up the climb.

Jason went even higher up the water fall.

Family pic to prove Mom was present.

Hide and go seek with Nana

There you are - and Nana is playing along as always

Jason's new toy and first time out

Long ride = sleeping Madison.

Rain, rain go away

Rain does not stop marshmallow roasting

BB gun shooting range

Love the dirt acquired while camping

Dirt even in the eyes

We camped by the overlook at bald mountain - the kids thought it was cool that they could see the trailer and yell to mom from the cliff.

Carter loves his "brewskies" - thanks daddy

Madison still calls them root beer.

Jaiden enjoying our nature hike :)

Nana was in full preschool form by collecting triangle, circle, square, rectangle items.

Madison - that rock is too big to take back to camp

Fishing is a favorite for Carter

Pa is our MacGyver - he can fix anything.

Taking in the sites of Mirror Lake.

Jaiden is in the stage of hiding from the camera.

Goin' for a walk with PA

We found a chipmunk.
Never been this close before - Pa kept saying it was going to jump on my head.
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