Not sure if you saw this on the news, but we thought it was a joke when we got a phone call letting us know not to let our children out and to bring in animals due to a cougar being spotted in our neighborhood. We drove the girls to school as a
precaution but then it was late afternoon and the kids were wanting to go outside to play (of course it was the best weather we have had in a while) Because I am such a good parent :) I thought to call West Jordan City to check on the so called "cougar sighting" as soon as I mentioned where we lived she immediately said not to go outside because they still have not captured the cougar. Next thing I realized channel 2 and 5 helicopters were

circling over our house. The kids thought it was
awesome. I was waiting for Jason to call me and say he saw us on the news in our backyard. I final believed there must really be a cougar. Amy and I piled the kids in the car and headed out to see if we could get a sighting. Sure enough we headed two streets east and 4 streets north and found people running with cameras, hopping fences, police, wild animal services, and cages in the back of trucks. Authorities had tranquilized it but it kept running and jumping fences. Finally they captured it and when caged they let the neighborhood come up and take pictures. Carter was cute and said he wasn't scared but as soon as he got out of the car he grabbed my hand. Who would of thought, a cougar in suburbia?

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