Jaiden had her annual UDA Recital on Saturday. She is such a little performer. She actually performed 3 numbers in each performance (matinee and evening). I feel bad because she doesn't get my full attention during this time of year because I am always helping behind stage and with my own classes. She is so independent I wonder if she notices. It helps that Nana is always around to pick up mom's slack. THANK heavens for Nana! Jaiden came up to the stage for her 2nd number in the evening performance with a fever. She actually still performed the actions but you could tell in her eyes and face that she didn't feel good. Poor thing went home after her last performance and got some medicine. She still wasn't feeling good the next day but after resting all day and keeping the fever down she finally recovered. Poor girl is a trooper. We are very PROUD of you JAIDEN. WE LOVE YOU!!! Thanks to the "fan club" that came to support her. (Nana is not in the picture because she is down in the dressing room getting ready for the evening performance:)

Also, HAPPY 12th ANNIVERSARY JASON. THANKS Sweets for celebrating our anniversary at a dance recital.
Sorry this video isn't very good due to me taking it from backstage. Jaiden is front row.
I will post more video once I get the DVD.
she did awesome--as expected! She is getting so old--it's so sad!!! Where did our little Jaidie go?
Congrats Jaiden!!! I bet you are such a great dancer. It's alot of work but it's worth it when you enjoy it!
Jaiden is so cute! I love it! I miss you guys. Hey! How come I am not listed under friends and family? Embaressed of me?
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