Monday, November 3, 2008

I hate SOCKS...

I am understanding my moms reasoning for having a "sock basket." Growing up we had a sock basket and I hated it (sorry mom) because when you needed socks you had to go match your own from the basket. You never knew if it was going to take 30 seconds or 5 minutes. But again I am understanding the reasoning behind the "sock basket."

I feel I spend as much time matching socks as I do folding 6 loads of laundry. Today was "find the missing match day." I went through all the drawers and got any single socks and added them to the sock laundry basket that has been sitting in my bedroom for months. (Sorry about that Jason I know it has driven you crazy and you haven't said anything - good guy)

I am now going to mate the socks and toss anything left over - the basket will be gone.

I welcome any suggestions on making the sock mating process easier.


KIM D said...

i have a friend that uses one of those mesh laundry bags. she just puts all the socks in there and throws it in the washer. she swears by it. we just don't wear socks around here :)

Brown Family said...

I hate socks to! It is always the last thing to get put away and sits in the family room for a few days. A friend of mine buys one type of socks for all her kids. Each kids different from the other. That way she just throw them into a pile for each kid and they match up really easily. I'm just too cheap to go buy all new socks!!!

us said...

Just thought You might want to know but we are going to be going private so If you want to still see our blog Email me with your E- mail address @ or leave it in my comments if you haven't already, we will be going private in a couple of days
Thanx mal and Ryan