Sunday, March 22, 2009

Starry Starry Night

Jaiden dances on UDA's Mini Company team and they had a performance at the Marriott Center of Dance at the U of U. It was a wonderful program for family and friends to see the company competition pieces. It was a small venue and every seat in the house was great. Jaiden was actually nervous (which is rare) for the performance. She did great as usual.
"New Girl In Town"
"Tell Him"

Uncle "Muk"

The Tripp crew that came to watch.

Nana, Pa and the Mackay crew came to the matinee performance but I didn't have my camera.

THANKS to all those who support Jaiden.

Carter Birthday with Tripps

Happy Birthday Carter! You are such a sweet boy.
You always keep us laughing and we LOVE YOU!

Aunt Jennie and Jeff kept with the Sponge Bob theme and gave Carter a pineapple.

The ultimate find - Mario Cart. Fun for the whole family.

Thanks Granny & Pa.

Kaia - CHEESE!

Thanks Mel & Adam - Dino monster truck will be delivered

Aunt Jennie and Jeff also provided Silly String - I am still finding remnants.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Macy's Field Trip

Miss Shelley's preschool went on a field trip to Macy's grocery store. Carter was cute interacting with all his classmates. Miss Shelley told me he is such a good boy. Always nice to all the kids and never does or says anything mean. Good boy Carter!

It's COLD in the fridge section.

Best Bud - Aiden

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mother of the day


I tried to step up my "mother" game by making green pancakes for breakfast, helping Jaiden find something green to wear and spraying her hair green stripes for school. Carter was a little worried about the pancakes but after tasting them he thought they were awesome. For dinner we also had a green theme - green noodles with cheese and asparagus.

Funny Story -
Carter was telling Jason that at school Miss Shelly wouldn't let anyone in the school room until everyone was there. Once they entered it was all a mess. He told Jason that Miss Shelly said the "little guy" made the mess. He was trying to explain what she said but couldn't remember what she called the "little guy." Jason of course guessed "midget" and Carter agreed. He came to tell me the story and Jason was all confused that he learned about "midgets" at school. Carter told me the story and used the word "midget" instead of "little guy." I was really confused until I realized he was talking about "Leprecons." We all started to laugh but Carter was not amused by the mistake. Thanks to Jason and his help I can't go to Costco this week due to Carter possibly calling the "little person" working there "midget" of "Leprecon."

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Arizona ending ...

One evening we spent at the condo because they were showing High School Musical 3 pool-side. Swimming and movie - how could we tell the kids "No"??

Last Day Pics - Leaving the sun and heading back to the snow.

Jaiden and Carter participated in some club house activities including glazing ceramics, scavenger hunt, and Cactus Den (craft, games, and movie). All three kids went to the Cactus Den for "parents night out." Jason and I were able to go to dinner ourselves and it was needed after 7 days with the kids in a one bedroom condo :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Phoenix Zoo

We drove to the Phoenix zoo and as you walk in you go over a bridge
and in the pond are tons of turtles.

Baby turtles following their mommy. I wish my kids followed me so well at stores. It seems they only follow me from room to room at home.

Of course we had been there 30 seconds before Madison's binky fell over the edge of the bridge. It was even clipped to her shirt???
Positive note - it wasn't Madison going over the edge.

Cool frogs that look like bumpy rocks.

Eagle eating a rat - eeeewww!

Eagle picking the hairs off - gross!

My favorite view! She drives us nuts but we love her.
Kids rode a camel - they waited in line and we stood in the picture spot. We glanced over and Carter looked really nervous. I told Jason to not make eye contact with him because he will lose it and wimp out. Once on the camel he thought it was really cool.

The kids said that looks like me picking at them or dad. Yes I am a "picker".

Our kids always love the "buns"

Turtle every where we looked - so cute.

Safari trail - we called it "Indiana Jones" trail.

Nice poses kids.

Cute play area by "little people."

Our kids LOVE animals. Jason and I aren't huge fans.
We humored them by going into the petting zoo.

These two have never been afraid of animals.
Have always LOVED them.

I am laughing because I can tell he is just grossed out by all the animals, petting, and "potty" piles. He is coming to get me because I took a picture of him being grossed out.

That smile means he is about to kill me for teasing him.

Kangaroo ?

All my babies in the pouch.


Cool cactus slide

It says ...

We were able to feed carrots to the elephants.

I would highly recommend the Phoenix Zoo (unless its summer).
We had a great time and were there 10-5pm and could have spent longer.