Jaiden celebrated her 8th birthday with family - love them being so close.

Mariko and Madison checking out her gifts.

Jaiden finally decided to move into her own room downstairs. One of her presents was all new bedding and decor for her new room. Don't forget her own radio that I am sure will be blasting.

Proud Parents

Aunt Mel (Nana's Mel)

Uncle Mike, Mariko, Aunt Mel (Mike's Mel), Aunt Kamie and Kaia

Aunt Jennie, Uncle Jeff and Granny

Uncle Adam and Aunt Mel (Adam's Mel)

Grandma Great and Pa (Granny's)

Pa and Nana

SURPRISE!!! Taylor Swift CD and Taylor Swift Concert Tickets - are we out of our mind?

Love Jewelry from Aunt Mel's collection (check out the ankle bracelet)
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