Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Potty Training?

I am not ready to potty train Madison but maybe I need to be. Today at Kohls Madison was looking at the sunglasses and I went to the next isle over to find underwear for Jaiden. I kept asking Madison, "where are you?" and she would answer, "wigh hear." She was only out of my sight for a few seconds and when I turned the corner to meet up with her she had taken off her boots, pants, diaper and was sitting with her bare bum on the floor trying on Elmo panties. (If I would have been thinking I would have used my camera phone to capture the moment) With hygiene in mind we purchased the the pack of Elmo panties. She of course said, "No paunts" and she strutted around the store sporting bare thighs and Elmo buns. She kept them dry for about and hour. I am still contemplating potty training but I am not ready for the twenty-one trips to the bathroom with every outing.


Clarke and Kamie said...

ahhhh potty training!!! It sucks!!! there is no way around it. I can just picture the elmo biscuits.

Ryan~Eryn~Kenna~Maegan said...

i saw this through the prices page and i just have to tell you... this is pretty funny!! you should think about submitting the story to that new show "in the motherhood"! it made my night! LOL