Swimming, swimming, swimming, everyday from 10-1pm at lunch and then again until dinner while Madison took her afternoon nap. Carter would scream down his dad when he would try and make him float with his floatees. Jaiden was a fish and Madison took a while to warm up to getting in the pool. The kids love to stay at the Holiday Inn because they have an indoor/outdoor pool. They actually hang on the divider and swing yelling "ahhh, ahhh, ahhh". Jason started it and labeled the action "george of the jungle." I am sure everyone at the pool thinks we are nuts. We also ran into our old neighbors the Dilleys at dinner. It was fun hanging out with them the next day at their pool and then eating at the Pizza Factory together. We tried to find where "High School Musical 2" was filmed but got shafted. I don't know who was more excited looking for it the three girls (Jaiden and the Dilley girls) or Carter. He still wants to be Zac Efron for halloween.
The kids slept pretty good. We were really worried about Madison

FUN!! Thanks for the comment on my blog. I LOVE HAWAII as well! We basically sat on our butts at the pool, ate, slept and ate some more. We had a blast! When is our date???
I am jealous of how tan you were today!!! I'm glad you had a few hours of freedom while jason is traveling--believe me I know how it is! :)
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